Morinaga Promo Card : Sailor Moon R : Part 3 - Birthday 15 / Sailor Venus (GOOD CONDITION) (OUT OF STOCK)

Morinaga Promo Card : Sailor Moon R : Part 3 - Birthday 15 / Sailor Venus (GOOD CONDITION) (OUT OF STOCK)
Item# ww_MPC_SMR_P3_B15_SM
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Product Description

Morinaga Promo Card : Sailor Moon R : Part 3 - Birthday 15 / Sailor Venus (GOOD CONDITION) (OUT OF STOCK)

Here is a plastic card for the "Sailor Moon R : Part 3" series released in 1993 by Morinaga.

The card is a promo card that was sold with Morinaga chocolate snacks.

CARD CONDITION : The card is in good condition. There is wear from handling. There are some fine scratch marks and dents on the front and back.

Made in Japan.

Card Size: approximately 7.5 x 5.5 cm or 2.95 x 2.16 inches

***not recommended for kids under 12 years. Thanks for stopping by!

Keywords: Japanese Anime, Shojo, Shoujo, Sailor Moon R, Sailormoon R, Morinaga, Promo Card, Chocolate Snack, 1993, Birthday, Sailor Venus, Minako Aino.